Thursday, August 30, 2007

About Me

Jobs That I've Had:
Certified Nursing Assistant
Administrative Assistant for Chartwells

Places I've Called Home:
Sandy, Utah
Grace Idaho
Twin Falls Idaho
Pocatello Idaho
Back to Twin

Movies that I never get sick of:
Fools Rush In
Harry Potter
The Karate Kid (I used to have a crush on Daniel Son)

Favorite TV shows:
Greys Anatomy
the Home and Garden channel
30 Minute Meals

Favorite Vacation Spots:
Just being away with family

Last thing I ate:
Leftover meatloaf

Eye Color:

Summer or Winter:
Summer, however, Fall is a close second

scary or Happy endings:


Linda Clark said...

I knew quite a few things about you. "Karate Kid" Daniel- Son crush, didn't know that one. Fall is a favorite season for me, too! Would love to taste your meatloaf and I started watching Grey's Anatomy toward the end of the season, you will have to get me up to date on that one.

Paulene Davis said...

I learned quite abit about you that I did not know--especially the part of living in Sandy.I understand what you mean about speaking in church. I recently had that assignment and Uncle David gave me a blessing. We are fortunate to have such worthy wonderful husbands.

Alisa said...

I would like your recipe for meatloaf, too! Any meatloaf worth reheating and eating has got to be good!!!!

Collette said...

yeah Daniel-San is soooo cute. But I had an even bigger crush on Mr. Miyagi!!! ;)

Cami Jo said...

I guess I'll have to watch the Karate kid. I don't remember you telling me you lived in Sandy. When was that?

Cami Jo said...

oh yeah- your favorite tv shows crack me up. You're such a nerd. I'm a little dissapointed to not see "The Office" on there. Anton and Sydney Nelson just loaned us the 2nd season and I'm all Gung-Ho on watching it as fast as I can!