Malia had her one year shots yesterday. I left Bailee and Braden at a neighbor's house and took Malia to see daddy at work. Poor girl, didn't know what was coming, all she knew was we were visiting daddy. We visited while the nurses were getting her shots ready and then we went into the room. She was supposed to have three shots, but there was a student nurse helping out along with Cameron's nurse and apparently the student made the shot too tight so instead of the vaccination going into Malia's arm it went all over the table. But yet she still had the poke of the needle. So Malia had to be poked twice in the arm and once in each leg. Malia was just hysterical. Of course the nurses felt bad. I took Malia home and she fell asleep in the car and I promised to take the kids to the park to eat lunch so I couldn't lay Malia down. Thank goodness we parked in the shade at the park and I let Malia sleep in the car with the door open and we ate lunch on the grass beside the car. Once she had her little nap she was happy again.
Cameron came home and had a little surprise for Malia. His nurse felt so bad that she went to the store and bought Malia a doll. I thought that was very nice of her and I'm glad Cameron has such good nurses to help him out. It's sad to think we put our kids through pain so they can be healthy later on but I will take a little pain over having a serious illness any day. Luckily we have a few more months until our next visit to the doctor.
I pity the fool
3 years ago
What a sweet nurse. Poor Malia though! Hey Mary... I still want to get Kenzie one of those cute baby dolls we use to look at at Walmart!
PS: Today Carson ran through the hall, and smacked his forehead right on the corner of the wall. You remember which one. Yep...he had to go get stitches!!! Too funny it had to be THAT corner though. Too bad Cam wasn't here, and we could've had him stitch him up!
Too bad about the shot that always stinks to have to get more poke then you were mentally prepared for.
My kids have always had shots in thier legs, never the arms (I think it easier to hold down the legs).
Hope that Malia is feeling better soon!
Shots are always traumatic, but like you say, they are necessary. My poor baby had to go through so much...will give her extra loves when Grandma sees her next!
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